Updating Firmware Using the Firmware Portal (3.56 & Higher)


  • CloudBox 1.0-1.4
  • CloudBox firmware is  3.56 or higher
    • Can be checked in the devices page on the FuelCloud website.


  1. Connect to the FuelCloud Wi-Fi network on a laptop or phone. The Wi-Fi SSID will be FuelCloud_XXXXX where XXXXX are the last five digits of the CloudBox serial number.
  2. Open a web browser (Internet Explorer cannot be used).
  3. Navigate to
  4. Select Update on the left pane:
  5. The web portal with ask for a Username and Password: Screenshot_2022-08-24_at_6.48.56_AM.png
    1. Username: admin
    2. Password: Cloud_XXXXX
    3. XXXXX = last five digits of the serial number
  6. Select Choose file and select the firmware.bin file. The latest file can be found here
  7. Select send:
  8. Once the file has uploaded, select Restart:
  9. The CloudBox will take about 45 seconds to reboot and be on the new firmware version.

Automatic Updates

This feature is currently disabled.

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