Cedia Jabbie
Activity overview
Latest activity by Cedia Jabbie-
Cedia Jabbie created an article, iOS Local Network Settings
If the privacy setting for Local Network is turned off on iPads or iOS devices, you may be unable to connect to the CloudBox system. If you are receiving an error code 503 or other network connecti...
Cedia Jabbie created an article, Bulk Vehicle Import- Tax Status
Our Bulk Imports feature makes it easy to set your vehicle's tax exempt status. Go to My Assets-Vehicles Select the Import option Select Update Existing Vehicles and Download Update Vehicles Tem...
Cedia Jabbie created an article, How to Manually Connect to the CloudBox Network
From the FuelCloud app, click the Home button on the iPad Tap the Settings cog wheel icon Tap Wi-Fi towards the top of the list of options in the left hand column Tap the CloudBox network. I...
Cedia Jabbie created an article, How to Forget a Network on an iPad
From the FuelCloud app, click the Home button on the iPad Tap the Settings cog wheel icon Tap Wi-Fi towards the top of the list of options in the left hand column In the right hand column un...
Cedia Jabbie created an article, How to find the iPad Serial Number
From the FuelCloud app, click the Home button on the iPad Tap the Settings cog wheel icon Tap General on the left hand side column Tap About at the top of the right hand column The Serial...